Hybrid Lash Extension – How to be Extra Careful About your Lash Extensions

It is the type of lashes, which essentially are a 7-3 ratio mixture of both classic lashes and volume lashes. Opting hybrid eyelash extensions can certainly give you the best of both choices.

This look has since spread across Hollywood. Stars love it because it offers a wispy, natural lash line with a little drama. Moreover, as mentioned earlier as well, the look is achieved by mixing classic lashes and volume lashes placed precisely to frame the desired shape of eyes.

Essentially, it is about having a perfect combination of the diameters, for instance, the regular hybrid lash extension may be .07 diameter lashes with .15 diameter lashes or one can also have a pattern fanned out of .07 diameter with .18. Although, there is not a pre-defined formula according to which you have to mix, so one can have a mix of any diameters. Generally, it is not necessary to have a mix of more than two diameters within your eyelash extension set.

Things to Look out for Hybrid Lash Extensions are:

Mainly, it is about having lashes that will look good, with and without makeup. In addition, not having the need to apply any eye makeup if you do not want to. Moreover, being able to sleep in for that extra 10 min! Always looking put together/awake. This set of hybrid mix is less fuller than volume set but denser than classic ones.

Ideal Candidate for Hybrid Lashes

Clients who have a natural eyelash to have them attached to a hybrid lash extension set. Alternatively, a guest who desires a fuller lash line. Anyone who loves volume lashes but might be looking for an affordable alternative and looking for a more textured lash look.

Do I Need to Have a Patch Test?

Why not, it is generally advised to have a patch test prior to your treatment, particularly if you have never have had lashes done before or any other beauty treatment. Although patch tests can never 100% guarantee that you will not have a reaction to the treatment in question, anyone can develop an allergy at any time, it is always best practice to have the test.

Reason to Switch to Hybrid Lashes from the Regular Ones?

If you have classic lash extensions and, you cannot help it, your lash-loving heart desires an even fuller lash line, and it is time to consider a relationship with hybrid lashes!

Fullness is the main motto of our lash services, and this particular procedure will give you just that. In addition, if you’re trying to keep your budget in check, then these hybrid lashes are just a hint over classic lashes. In other words, a total win-win!

Aftercare Advice

It is advised not get these lashes wet for at least a day, i.e. no swimming, sauna, showers etc. This allows the bond to set really well.

Very gently comb through the lashes if required.  This helps prevent twisting/tangling of the lashes. Never to perm up the lashes or have an eyelash curlers being used on.

You will not need mascara!  However, even you still feel like using mascara then it should be water soluble, not waterproof.

Looking Out & After-care

Yes! There are numerous eyelash serums available in the market that can certainly help strengthen and naturally grow the lashes. However, you will be required to use one that is oil-free.
