Real Mink Lashes – Selection Criteria

Real mink is very popular and also the most natural looking lashes available today. Most people love mink lashes because they are not heavy, and depending on the look you have created, can appear so natural that people don’t know you are wearing extensions.

Real mink lashes are also called real mink, mink fur, or Siberian mink lashes. These lashes are actually real mink animal hairs. They can cause allergic reactions in your client. These lashes are very, very fine and do not hold a curl. They are also harder for the lash artist to work with. To ensure your mink lashes last as long as possible, avoid using makeup removers and soaps that contain Glycol, which can dissolve the glue holding the lashes in place.

Mink eyelashes are manufactured from organic materials which aids to make them appear natural. In fact, it is this Salient feature that makes mink eyelashes distinct to the other similar lashes products available. It is considerably tricky to distinguish mink eyelashes from your natural lashes once they are worn correctly.


There are numerous benefits of using mink eyelashes. Fore-mostly, being extremely silky and smooth, they will make you look very pretty and attractive. Other than this, one may also come across various sorts of mink eyelashes on the markets, which vary in length as well as shades thus enabling you to choose the one with respect to your personal preferences and likeness. Furthermore, they are in turn extremely light in weight to carry.

Any other eyelashes will make your skin depict artificial sense, but this is not true in case of real mink eyelashes. They are very comfortable and easy going due to their smooth appearance.

While you are putting them on, it is impossible to distinguish them from your normal lashes. As a matter of fact, it will be very difficult for the folks to figure out that you are putting on fake lashes. Moreover, they are also quite resilient and strong as compared to the artificial lashes on the market.

Mink eyelashes are also very pliable which will allow you to easily carry them wherever you want. They will not let you down if you’d like to enhance your eyelashes using your favorite makeover shade.

Ensure Your Selection

It is imperative to make sure that these eyelashes are drawn from mink hair. Moreover, you should select those eyelashes which will fit the size of your eyes. One will easily come across a extensive range of mink eyelashes online as well as at the market stores. However, make it a point to verify your eyes’ model prior to getting one that is appropriate for you.

Plus, make sure that you choose those mink lashes which are handcrafted than those which are bulk manufactured. As a matter of fact, the handcrafted lashes are going to be more resilient as compared to the bulk manufactured ones.

However, keep in mind that fake and tempered mink lashes are also available nowadays on the market and as a result, always go for the expensive products so as to purchase the original ones. Remember that you will succeed in getting top quality mink lashes provided you spend some time for making some research.

Since they are extremely resilient in nature, it is possible to apply these lashes 20 times or even more. Plus, it is very important to maintain the real mink eyelashes appropriately. Do not forget to clean them thoroughly after every single use, and they should not be exposed to moisture and heat as well.