Individual Lash Extension and its Advantages to Beautify your Eyes

Individual Lash Extension and its Advantages to Beautify your EyesThe beauty industry has seen it all when it comes to lashes—magnifying mascaras, “miracle” growth serums, heated curlers—you name it. However, no phenomenon is more polarizing than eyelash extensions. When lash extensions first gained popularity, they seemed to be a simple and fast way to get wispy, fluttery lashes without the trouble of individual lash extensions or mascara.

Individual lash extensions, like any new cosmetic surgery, revealed problems almost immediately. To begin with, certain states have not established regulations on the industry, leading in incidences of pain, illness, and natural lash damage as a consequence of poor sanitation and expertise. The treatment is also rather expensive, costing you hundreds of dollars and many hours of your time.

Is it really worth it to have a beautiful pair of semi-permanent individualized lash extensions every day?

What Do Lash Extensions Entail?

Eyelash extensions are quasi fibers that are put to the individual lashes of your eyes to make them seem longer, thicker, and darker. Individual lash extensions are applied to each of your natural eyelashes using a semi-permanent glue (one extension per natural eyelash). Fanning Artificial, mink, imitation mink, or silk strands may be used in lash extensions, however the material varies from studio to studio. Most clinics provide a variety of extension lengths, curl types, and colors for clients to select from.

Eyelash Extensions Types We Provide

Lash artists employ mink, silk, and artificial eyelash extension materials. Several studios also offer “fake mink” extensions, which are manufactured extensions that mimic mink extensions in appearance and feel. Most lash salons have a favored kind of lash extension and won’t always ask if you have one. Make clear that you don’t want satin lash extensions put to your lashes if you’re vegan or sensitive to cats.

How would you look after individual lash treatment

Lash extensions are applied one at a period (80-140 per eye) using a specially developed, semi-permanent glue that does not irritate or destroy the natural lash. The lash is solely placed to an existing lash and not to the skin.” While each salon’s method is different, here’s how much you can anticipate.

The lifespan of our Individual Lash Extension

Eyelashes, unlike hair on your head, drop and renew themselves on a regular basis. At any one time, all of your lashes are at a different stage, with some ready to fall out and others in the process of creating (this is true if you have eyelash extensions or not).

Since an individual lash extension is applied to a single lash, it will fall out when the lash line sheds. If you don’t touch your eyes, use mascara, or use greasy eye treatments that compromise the adhesive, your extensions has to last up to a month before you need to arrange a “refill” appointment.

At Blink Lash Club, you will get perfect individual and hybrid lash extensions for yourself. Visit our salon, get the services, and rejoice yourself!