Everything That You Need to Know About Chemical Peels

When a chemical solution is applied to your skin with the purpose of removing the top layers for its own betterment, then the procedure is called as a chemical peel. The skin which grows back after peeling it down is smoother than before. However, if you go for a light or medium peel in this process, you may have to go through it again for achieving the desired outcome.

This is a process which has been in use for treating wrinkles, discolored skin and scars. It can be performed as a treatment its own or done combined with other cosmetic procedures. While they be performed at various depths from light to deep. A deep chemical peel is ought to offer remarkable results however, would also take longer to recover from.

Where & What

A chemical peel can be performed on a person’s face, hands or neck, depending upon their condition and needs. It is used to get the following remarks done:

  • It is used for reducing fine lines around the mouth or under one’s eyes.
  • For treating wrinkles which are often caused by sun or aging.
  • Mild scars on one’s skin
  • Various types of acne
  • Dark spots, freckles, age spots etc.
  • It can simply improve the look and feel of your skin.

Types of Chemical Peel

Following types of peels are in use, nowadays

Light Chemical Peel

The outermost layer of your skin, epidermis is removed in a superficial light chemical peel. It is mostly used for treatment of fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone or dry skin. However, you may need a light peel time and time again for achieving desired results.

Medium Chemical Peel

In a Medium Chemical peel, we remove skin cells from the epidermis as well as portions are removed from upper part of your middle skin that is dermis. It can be used for treating wrinkles, acne scars or uneven skin tone, depending upon one’s skin conditions. It may also be repeated for maintaining better results.

Deep Chemical Peel

Whilst a deep cleansing requires a deep chemical peel which removes skin cells even deeper. It is only recommended for deeper wrinkles, scares or precancerous growth. However, it is not required to repeat this process for higher results, it is rather one time job.

It is highly recommended that you wear sunscreen everyday as your skin becomes temporarily more sensitive to sun. Limit your sun time and especially when it’s at its peak and wear high protection against the sun.


A chemical peel is performed in a doctor’s office or a surgery center. It is not an overnight stay kind, rather an outpatient procedure.

Firstly, your skin is thoroughly cleaned and fired before beginning the peel. After that a chemical solution is applied to the concerned areas of your skin. This is what creates a controlled wound which will let new skin take its place.

It is normal to have a burning sensation while getting a chemical peel done but it only lasts for five to ten minutes, followed by stinging sensation. However, by putting cool compression on your skin, you ca the ease that sting. Some people may require pain killers during or after a deep chemical peel.

After a peel you may need bandages for several days and it is necessary to keep extra care of your skin in the days followed by the procedure, however when new skin cells appear, they would be smoother than ever and your skin will have a feeling of rejuvenation.
