Advantages Of Skin Tightening Through Various Forms of Skin Tightening Treatments

Advantages Of Skin Tightening Through Various Forms of Skin Tightening TreatmentsHow It’s Helpful

The appearance and skin of the face changes with growth. The skin tightens become less and doesn’t stick back as fully. Fat deposits reduce in some parts of the face and rise in others.

A face-lift can help with these age-related problems:

  1. droopy appearance of the cheeks
  2. extra flab at the lower jawline
  3. Deep skin folds from the sides of the nose to the corner of the mouth
  4. Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck (if the procedure includes a neck lift)

A face-lift isn’t a process for fine wrinkles, sun damage, creases around the nose and upper lip, or uneven skin color.

Wrinkles and old or scaly skin starts to come out as your body ages. Skin loses its power to generate elastin and collagen, which make up your skin’s elasticity and firmness. 

In recent years, countless nonsurgical procedures have been developed to help tighten the skin on the face or elsewhere on your body using radio-frequency, ultrasound, and lasers. While these treatments are nonsurgical, they should only be performed by a licensed professional and under the supervision of a doctor. 

Types of Skin Tightening Procedures

The following treatments use machines to deliver targeted energy to heat deeper layers of your skin and stimulate collagen and elastin generation . 

Ultrasound skin tightening. A micro-focused ultrasound is used to send heat deep into your skin, up to 5 millimeters inside the layer. This can elasticize and lift skin on your face, neck, and upper chest, reducing the look of sagging.

Radio frequency (RF) therapy. As with ultrasound skin tightening, a hand pen machine is used to send heat into your skin to trigger collagen making . Unlike ultrasound, radio-frequency targets the upper surface of your skin called the epidermis. It is FDA-approved to get processes done on the face, neck, body, and hands. RF treatments can be mixed with micro needling to treat deeper layers of skin. In either case, aftermath appear slowly. 

While many people see the affects from only one RF treatment, it may take from two to six treatments to get the wanted results. Results can last up to three years with the right skincare routine.

How You Should Proceed

Firstly, you’ll talk to a dermatologist or a plastic cosmetician about a face-lift. The visit will likely include:

5.  Medical history and exam. Prepare to have a quick quiz about past and current medical conditions. Also discuss previous surgeries, including previous plastic surgeries. Be sure to note any problems from past surgeries. Also let the plastic surgeon know if you have a habit of smoking, drug use or alcohol use.

Your surgeon will do a physical exam. The surgeon also may request folders from your health care provider. If there are concerns about your ability to have surgery, you may be asked to meet with a specialist.

6.  Medication review. give the names and dosages of all the medications you regularly take. make sure to put in prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, herbal medications, vitamins and other dietary supplements.

7.  Facial exam. Your plastic surgeon will take photos of your face from multiple angles and close-ups of some features. The surgeon will also study your bone structure, face shape, fat distribution and quality of your skin. The exam will help choose your best choices for face-lift surgery.